Sunday, November 3, 2013

When Android Is Not What You Actually Think of It

By on 8:03 AM

android-secretsBefore the Android app was developed, there was a lot of hype about the exciting and unique features that it would have. The fact that one of the largest technology companies, Google Inc., was part of the Android project was exciting enough, since people have learnt to expect nothing but the best from the company. When the Android mobile devices were launched into the market, people rushed to buy a device for themselves. Were they disappointed, or did they get what they had long waited for?

What is an Android?

The Android, an open platform for all kinds of mobile devices, was developed by leading technology and wireless companies such as the Google Inc., HTC, Qualcomm, Intel, to list a few. The developers of Android developed the Open 1359456375_w670_h350Handset platform to facilitate new innovations for mobile devices. They hoped to make the experience of using a mobile device much faster, easier, and a lot more fun.

The Android application is among the latest application for smartphones. This application is useful to businesses, as it has a variety of business related functions and built-in features that one can choose.

What are some of the benefits of the Android Application?

The Android application is a very handy tool. One of the benefits of the Android application is that is gets information to users very quickly, and it always provides the exact information that was requested. The information is also provided to users free of charge. Its enlargement tools are easy to use, and this can be very beneficial to someone with impaired vision.

The phone also has reportedly good browsers, making browsing a fun and easy activity. These browsers also make it easier for the developers to improve their services by providing regular updates on features available. Android developers founded the application on the Linux OS. This makes the application convenient for use in rich development surroundings. It also makes the mobile device more effective.

Is the Android device really what it was hyped up to be?

As mentioned before, the Android app is easy to use and the developer can easily make improvements, by updating it as often as necessary. Several users have complained that they are not getting security updates as regularly as they do with other smartphones. This makes the device appear faulty, and puts it at high risk of security breaches.

Another complaint is that most Android devices are already customized by the manufacturers and wireless services operators to support various software and hardware. This means that a user cannot customize their own device to suit their needs, and may not necessarily get the features that they desired on their device.

There are also several complaints that the Android devices actually have outdated browsers, which are not fun to use and are not updated with the latest technology. If all these complaints are true, then the Android app is not what we thought it to be, and maybe it should be removed from the market.

The article provided by Alex Strike, a guy who works on best online essay writing services. Find him on Google+.


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